Z novim šolskim letom 2024/25 je zaživela nova spletna stran šole: 







Projekt Savski hrib – super hrib se je začel na pobudo mame pokojnega prijatelja Filipa Štembergerja. Mamina vizija je bila, da skupaj s Filipovimi prijatelji preuredimo dotrajano košarkarsko igrišče. Zakaj? Ker je njena želja, da se ustvari lep spomin na Filipa in da pripomore prihjajočim generacijam, da bodo lahko tudi sami dosegali rezultate, kot jih je Filip. Njena ideje je vodila do večjega projekta, preureditve celotnega javnega prostora, ki obsega košarkaško igriše, hrib in igrišče za otroke.

Ker mladi najbolje vedo, kaj bi radi imeli na prostorih kjer se igrajo, smo začeli sodelovati z Osnovno šolo Savsko naselje, kjer bodo učenci sedmega razreda pomagali razviti arhitekturni načrt za igrišče, hrib in otroško igrišče. Delo bo potekalo v treh fazah;

1. Otroci so intenzivno v dveh mesecih razvijali ideje in jih predstavili lokalni skupnosti. Delo je deloma potekalo v razredu deloma pa na terenu. Skozi 20 šolskih ur so učenci zelo intenzivno razvijali ideje, se jih učili predstaviti v različnih tehnikah (risanje, pisanje, govorna predstavitev, modeliranje), se jih naučili analizirati, jih primerjati, diskutirati o najboljši rešitvi. V dialogu so vrednotili in izbirali rešitve. Po drugi strani, pa so se učenci spoznali s pojmom javni prostor. Komu pripada, kdo ga uporablja, kako, kakšen pomen ima v družbi. Naučili so se opazovati, meriti, vrednotiti in projicirati ideje v realen prostor. Pri predstavitvi lokalni skupnosti bodo razvili občutek za skupno in se naučili konstruktivnega dialoga.

2. V času projektiranja, iskanja izvajalcev, dovoljenj, ponudb in iskanja najboljših rešitev bodo ves čas redno spremljali dela, komentirali postopke in se vanje po želji tudi vključevali. V tem času bodo tudi stanovalci aktivno sodelovali pri pripravi načrtov za izvedbo.

3. V fazi izvedbe bodo skupaj s sostanovalci sodelovali v delovnih akcijah in spremljali postopke izvedbe.


The Super Hill, Savska's hill!

Our project has started from a wish of a mother of recently deceased friend, Filip Štemberger. His Mother's vision was that Filip's friends join together and help to renovate the outside baskteball court, which was his primary playground as a child. Why? Because the court, together with discipline and love for the basketball helped him achieve succeses in sports later in life and that would be a great reminder of his life and vision. Also the court would be an inspiration for the generations that are living here nowadays. Her vision lead us to a bigger idea, realising a larger project, renovating the court and also its soroundings, the hill and the playground, which lies in its close distance.

Because youth has a lot of imagination and feels what is best for them, we joined together with the primary school Savsko naselje. Its students of the 7th Class are trying develop the architectual plan for the court, the hill and the playground. The work will be done in 3 phases;

1. For two months the students will develop ideas for the court, that will be later presented to the local community. The work will be done partly in the classrooms, partly in the field. Trough 20 hours of drawing, brainstorming, modeling they will be able to analyse, compare and discuss about the best solution. Trough dialog they will come to a consense about what is needed, what can be done, and what stays in imagination. Also they will understand the term »public space« - who uses it, to whom it belongs and what is its role in society. They will learn to wath, measure,evaluate and project the ideas into real space. At the presentation for the local community, they will develop the feeling for common good and construstive dialog.

2. The second step is the time for projecting, searching the contractors, getting the licences done and looking for the best soultions. Trough this time the students will watch over the process, comment the procedures and involve in the project managmentif that is their wish. In this time, the local community will also cowork in the plans for the realisation of the project.

3. In the third phase, the students will work together with the workers and the local community in the working campaign and look over the procedures that will take place.